Tuesday, July 13, 2010


For years, people have killed each other, countries have colonized small countries

and the only reason is the want for more power...

You see, power gives us so much...

When we get a position, we thought we have power,

By telling lies about a person, you thought you have power,

By knowing that a person loves you so much, you thought you have power...

By not assuring that person of your love or feelings for him/her, you thought you have power...

I believe otherwise...

How can someone who only rises above anyone through stepping on people's toes have power?

Are you aware that there are persons who prefer the hard way? the narrow road?

Are you aware that when you step on people's toes, they might belong to a feet that will step on your face?

How can telling lies about the person you dislike give you power?

Don't you know that "all that goes around, comes around?"

Don't you know that lies are boomerangs that goes back to the source?

By knowing that you are loved, yet you withhold your true feelings

in an effort to gain more leverage against that person, you thought you had power...


Don't you know that love is also an emotion? And emotion has an ever changing state,

capable of depleting and increasing, depending on your nurturance?

Don't you know that when someone expresses their love for you,

don't you know that they are passing the burden to you?

It is difficult to restrain an ever powerful emotion

and when someone tells you of their romantic feelings for you,

they are getting much power against you. How?

One example, when you see someone wearing a white skirt,

with a blood stain indicating she had menstruation,

you are so uncomfortable, that you have to tell her, right? (if you are a good person, you will not be comfortable letting that person walk and be seen by others with that stain on her skirt)

Notice how confused she gets when you finally tell her of that stain...

When you are puzzled by someone's sweetness and caring,

and you confronted that person with such actions,

notice how uncomfortable he/she became?

When you are in a position to kick people's butt,

and abuse that power, it felt good for a time...

Would you still be comfortable when it comes to your knowledge

that the person you butt-kicked was related to your boss?

Hmmm... I don't want to be in your shoes...


According to Peter Drucker: "People get promoted on the level of their incompetence."

You are so good in doing the routine work you do, you got noticed

and you got promoted to a job that is entirely different from what you are used to.

And you learn... - that is the proper promotion...

I do not desire to get promoted just because I "know" someone...

I am very much capable of climbing my own ladder

and wait for my turn...

If you get intimidated with people who do their work well, pity for you.

They are not putting out their best to get promoted, they are conquering themselves!


Why do you get intimidated then? Why do you worry?

Because at the end of the day, when you look at yourself in the mirror,

you know that you don't deserve the immediate superior that you are...

You know that the person you dislike so much is better than you...

and when you cannot accept that,

like a country that has a culture of envy,

you will start a war...

A war that ultimately, robs you of everything...power, time and integrity.

Don't worry, you will have to start all over again, while your enemy

will stand up all over again, dust herself/himself

and will still prove to be better than you for you must know...


Friday, July 2, 2010


"Life is a Test and Trust..." (Purpose Driven Life)

Hmmm... To a student, it is always a test, a test of will...

The will to read the mind-boggling, sedative-hypnotic medical-surgical books...

The oh-so-all-texts-limited-pictures of the community health nursing books,

and no-pictures-at-all of the operating room technique books...

To professors who continously evaluate student's performance,

testing their will, and at the same time, testing her patience...

To a professor, who also tests her knowledge through her students,

test her hopes of forming unique and better individuals,

test her trust that all her efforts will come to naught...

To someone who falls and get broken to pieces over and over again,

a test of perseverance, patience, hope, trust, love and fidelity...

To someone who continuously guide you through your stubborness,

your shortcomings, your imperfections...

To someone who loves you without expecting anything in return,

It is really a test of everything he/she has...

values, time, energy...

But why? Why go through such tests? Why suffer? Why live?

Why can't it be just a simple, Yes, a simple No...

Why does everything have to be so complicated?

To the friend you've trusted all your life,

to the friend you've shared memories with,

to that friend who betrayed your trust...

To you, he/she is a test to you,

To test how strong and enduring your heart is,

how forgiving you can be,

but to him/her, you will be someone significant,

someone who trusted him/her,

someone whom you cannot remember any evil done to you...

And yet, he/she was the person you betrayed...

To the nurse who patiently sits by your side,

who patiently listens to your complaints,

who through gritted teeth, endure your unreasonable complaints,

rants and raves,

who though hurt by your angry words, still sees how you are doing,

how she can help you alleviate any pain,

help you get through your illness,

to her, you are a test...

To that blind and mute person,

being born with such disability,

seeing nothing, saying nothing,

yet, hearing everything,

Life is not merely a test, it is a licensure exam...

That if they fail, there will be no one who can hear how they failed

for they cannot speak...

If they fail, then, there is nothing left...no legacy...

To them, life is a test of endurance, stability...

that amidst the prison walls of their disability,

they are out to prove that they can be BETTER individuals,

MORALLY UPRIGHT, even though they cannot speak, nor see you...

What makes you different with all that you have,

functional senses and complete limbs?

What do you have that the Divine Person above

did not give you?

Then, why are you moping, keeping all that talents to yourself?

We are all unique but imperfect

and we are all given gifts to relish and extend...

What makes you think you are different and above anyone else

When ALL OF US HERE are all indebted with this thing called "Life?"